
I write from the green woods of the Pacific NW, where I live with my family and a handful of animals on a few half-wild and well-loved acres.*

I’m a caretaker, a maker, a passionate learner, and a writer. This space is where I share my words. You’ll find conversation, stories, and sometimes poetry, as I write throughout the year trying to capture and translate the language of nature, longing, and hope.

I believe in a slow life, slow craft, in work done with attentiveness and love.

It is my joy to send the words I write here out into the world and trust that they will arrive exactly when and where they are needed.  If you have come here to visit, I am grateful. I hope you will find something lovely or thought-provoking - at least honest - to carry away with you.  Thank you for coming.  Thank you for reading.

Peace keep you,


*The area in which we live was once used for tribal gatherings for many of the Chinook and Multnomah tribes in Western Oregon and Washington, particularly the tribes of the Kalapuya and Cowlitz peoples. We try to live in ways that respect the land that was taken from them and honor their long and wise stewardship.